Michael Paul Gallagher's Home Pages

Michael Paul Gallagher (Photo)

This simple website offers selected quotations from various books of Michael Paul Gallagher - an Irish Jesuit and Roman Catholic priest. He teaches fundamental theology at the Gregorian University, Rome where he was dean of the faculty of theology from 2005 to 2008. Before 1990 he taught literature for nearly 20 years at University College, Dublin. Through contact with many students he became interested in the main issues he writes about: faith and unbelief, culture and spirituality.

The home page divides into three sections. The first offers brief quotations of a more spiritual nature. The second gives longer excerpts from pastoral articles of recent years. The third includes more “academic” articles on theology at least in abbreviated form. This last group of texts is inevitably more complex and perhaps demanding to read.

The intention in offering these quotations is not just to publicize my writings, but to share some meditations on our search for meaning and our journey towards Christian faith - through the adventure of being and becoming human in today’s context. One hope of this website is to provide a pause for reflection, to give nourishment for the heart, imagination and spirit, and to be open to both believers and unbelievers. It aims to serve the inner dialogue of believer and non-believer in each one of us.

If this (not very sophisticated) home page can offer a drop of nourishment (within the ocean of the www) to even one person, I will be delighted. In fact in the first decade of its existence I have been surprised at the positive reactions of those who come across it. They have given me heart to continue this with this post-modern means of contact.

Happy browsing. Michael Paul




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